A blog by me, Terry about all things Teen at Lester Public Library. Please comment as you like, I'd love to hear from you about what you want to see, read, do, hear, and watch at the library.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Transformers Movie Marathon
Come watch Transformers I & II on our big screen. Pizza & Trivia between movies. These movies are PG13, teens under the age of 13 must have a parent bring them to the movie to approve participation—no exceptions will be made. No registration required.
Friday, December 18, 2009
TAB Meeting Monday
The Teen Advisory Board is made up of 6th-12th graders who help to choose materials and plan programs for the Teen area of the library. If you are interested in becoming a member of TAB, contact Terry at 793-7116 or simply come to the meeting.
After the meeting join us for Texas Hold’em and snacks. Easy to learn and fun to play!
See you then!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Pokemon Battle Tonight!
Bring your DS and battle it out with other Pokemon fans on our big screen and on your small screen. Diamond & Pearl or Platinum, geared for teens in 6th-12th grade but younger kids who know how to play may join in. No registration required. Snacks provided.
See you tonight!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Crash Into Me by Albert Borris
From Amazon.com:
I was a little iffy to read this book at first but once I started I barley put it down.
Four teenagers meet online, two know each other in real life, and all plan to kill themselves. All agree to meet and drive across country to a celebrity grave they have chosen who committed suicide, the catch? At the end of the trip in Death Valley, they all kill themselves.
During the trip, each learn more about each other and some even have second thoughts about dying and truths come out.
I liked how there really are no chapters but one continuous chapter. Each basically have a top ten list. Top ten lists of random things, what they want to do before they die, ECT.
Review by Kilee's Closet
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Teen Late Night
Open to teens in 6th-12th grade only. Join us for an after-hours evening at the library. Computers, video games, snacks & hanging out with friends. Participants must be on time and stay for the entire evening. All participants must have a permission slip to attend the late night. Slips may be picked up at the youth desk beginning October 26. Only 40 spots available! Only one slip will be given to each teen, participants must pick up their own slip. Emergency number during the late night: 793-7116.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Battle of the Books Results
The 2009 Battle of the Books was held last night at Silver Lake College. The Two Rivers team and the New Holstein Team joined forces to become New Rivers (or was that Two Holsteins?) and squeaked out a third place victory! They missed second place by only 1 point and the final battle went back and forth the entire game.
Congratulations to Chilton for the back to back championship!
All I can say is, wait til next year!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Summer 2009 Bookcast
Books talked about this month are:
The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
Sleepaway Girls by Jen Calonita
Swim the Fly by Don Calame
Kisses and Lies by Lauren Henderson
The One by Ed Decter
The Roar by Emma Clayton
Project Sweet Life by Brent Hartinger
Dull Boy by Sarah Cross
Willow by Julia Hoban
Series: Sweet Seasons by Debbie Viguie
Series: Gifted by Marilyn Kate
Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow
The Princess Plot by Kirsten Boie
If the Witness Lied by Caroline B. Cooney
Bank Job by James Heneghan
Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Happy Reading!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Teen Late Night
Open to teens in 6th-12th grade only. Join us for an after-hours evening at the library. Computers, video games, snacks & hanging out with friends. Participants must be on time and stay for the entire evening. All participants must have a permission slip to attend the late night. Slips may be picked up at the youth desk beginning August 31. Only 40 spots available! Only one slip will be given to each teen, participants must pick up their own slip. Emergency number during the late night: 793-7116.
Pick up your slip today!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Word From TAB President Nick M.
I hope they can find a teacher. I really want to be a video game designer and all of the jobs are over in Japan, so taking that class seems like the obvious choice. I suppose that is all I can possibly say at the moment, so I guess I'll see you later.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Survivor Night this Thursday!
Can you survive a night in the library? Compete with other 6th-12th graders in a variety of challenges to become Lester Public Library’s Survivor Champion. There will be only one winner. No registration required, snacks and soda provided. This program will be over by approximately 9:30 PM.
And Friday at 1:00 PM is the first day of our Wii Olympics!
Archery, Running, Diving, Ping Pong and more! Compete against other teens for a chance to become an Olympic champion! Be there August 14 to qualify for your event. Compete in as many events as you like. Final competitions will be held on August 21. Open to all teens in 6th-12th grade. Snacks provided. Participants are welcome to bring their own Wii remotes. You must attend both days in order to compete.
A Word From TAB Treasurer Sam C.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Cartoonist Carson Kugler Tomorrow!
Have you ever wanted to draw your own comic book or cartoon? Learn some tips from Carson Kugler who worked professionally as a storyboard artist and director on various projects for Disney Studios, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and more, including the popular "Spongebob Squarepants." Carson will also help you create a fun cartoon project to take home.
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
More Video Game Outcomes
Alex D. was the champion of Diamond & Pearl while Chris X. came out in the lead for Platinum.
Alex D. was also the champion for Wii Boxing.
Our next tournament will be on Friday, July 10 at 1:00 PM. The Game? Super Smash Brothers Melee.
See you there.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Battle of the Boxes: Wii BowlingTournament 09
Branden will come with LPL for our big battle in the October at the Manitowoc Public Library.
Our next tournament will be Wii Boxing on Tuesday, June 30 at 5:30. Come knock out the competition and become a champion!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A Word From TAB Treasurer Sam C.
Here is the list:
June 26 @ 1:00 PM Wii Sports Bowling
June 30 @ 5:30 PM Wii Sports Boxing
July 10 @ 1:00 PM Super Smash Brothers Brawl
July 17 @ 1:00 PM Battle of the Bands in Manitowoc at the library
July 24 @ 1:00 PM Wii Mario Kart
August 14 & 21 @ 1:00 PM Mario and Sonic @ the Olympic Games
A Word From TAB President Nick M.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Teen Tech Creations

We had a great turn out for Teen Tech Creations on Thursday, June 18 at 2:30 PM.
Check out some of the other pictures on our flickr account at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lesterpubliclibrary/
Our next teen program is this the Wii Bowling Tournament on Friday, June 26 at 1:00. See you there!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
May 2009 Bookcast
Books discussed this month:
I Choose to be Happy by Missy Jenkins
Reality Check by Peter Abrahams
Crowned by Julie Linker
The Last Thing I Remember by Andrew Klavan
Graphic Novel: Maximum Ride by James Patterson Illustrations by NaRae Lee
Greener Grass by Caroline Pignat
Graphic Novel: Shaman King by Hiroyuki Takei
Thanks for listening
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Teen Wii Open Play
Please be sure to sign in at the Youth Desk before going into the Wii room.
Practice Mario & Sonic at the Olympics to prepare for our tournament later this summer.
If you want to see all the Summer Events visit our website at www.tworivers.lib.wi.us.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A Word From TAB President Nick M.
TAB Executive Board Elected
Our Executive Board is as follows:
President: Nick M.
Vice President: Jack L.
Secretary: Olivia L.
Treasurer: Sam C.
We are not electing a Friends of the Library Representative at this point because the library's Friends Group does not currently meet on a regular basis. As soon as it does, that position will also open up.
Our next meeting is on Thursday, June 18 at 2:00 PM. If you are interested in joining, please contact me at (920)793-7116.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
April 2009 Book Cast
Books discussed this month:
Highway to Hell by Rosemary Clement-Moore
All the Broken Pieces by Ann E. Burg
A Mighty Wall by John Foley
Leaving Fletchville by Rene Schmidt
Isabelle's Boyfriend by Caroline Hickey
Baltimore, or, the Steadfast Tin Soldier and the Vampire by Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden
The Reformed Vampire Support Group by Catherine Jinks
Dirty Laundry by Daniel Ehrenhaft
Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel
Shimmer by Dallas Reed
Geek Charming by Robin Palmer
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A Word From TAB President Nick M.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
MarioKart 500 Finals
Nick M.
Brandon K.
Sam C.
Alex D.
Our MarioKart 500 champion is...drum roll please....
SAM C.!!!
Congratulations Sam, you made it look so easy!
MarioKart 500 Day 2 Stats
Racer | Time Minutes:Seconds |
Sam C. | 1.55 |
Nick M. | 2.01 |
Brandon K. | 2.10 |
Matthew K. | 2.13 |
Sam L. | 2.17 |
Brody J. | 2.19 |
Ethan W. | 2.20 |
Sam D. | 2.22 |
Chris X. | 2.28 |
Steven S. | 2.29 |
Chris W. | 2.29 |
Anthony W. | 2.30 |
Nick B. | 2.40 |
Emmet M. | 3.07 |
Ye. X. | 3.43 |
Racer | Time Minutes:Seconds | |
1 | Sam C. | 1.55 |
2 | Nick M. | 2.01 |
3 | Brandon K. | 2.10 |
4 | Matthew K. | 2.13 |
5 | Alex D. | 2.14 |
6 | Sam L. | 2.17 |
7 | Chris W. | 2.19 |
8 | Brody J. | 2.19 |
9 | Ethan W. | 2.20 |
10 | Sam D. | 2.22 |
11 | Steven S. | 2.28 |
12 | Chris X. | 2.28 |
13 | Anthony W. | 2.3 |
14 | Becky V. | 2.35 |
15 | Nick B. | 2.40 |
16 | Cassie C. | 3.01 |
17 | Emmet M. | 3.07 |
18 | Ye X. | 3.43 |
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
MarioKart 500
Qualifying Rounds
Monday, April 6 & Tuesday April 7 1:00 PM
Final Races: Wednesday, April 8 1:00 PM
Participants interested in racing must race on ONE of the qualifying days. Top 24 Finalists from the qualifying rounds will compete on Wednesday, for the top 4 Final Racing Spots! Participants must be in 6th-12th grade. Snacks provided for the final race, spectators welcome. No registration required.
Each racer did a time trial on 2 courses: Luigi Circuit & Coconut Mall. Times were then averaged. Standings are as follows:
Racer | Time Minutes:Seconds |
Nick M. | 2:00 |
Sam C. | 2:02 |
Alex D. | 2:21 |
Sam L. | 2:27 |
Chris W. | 2:30 |
Ethan W. | 2:42 |
Steven S. | 2:46 |
Becky V. | 2:57 |
Anthony W. | 2:63 |
Cassie C. | 3:00 |
Emmett M. | 3:10 |
Chris X. | 5:89 |
March 2009 Bookcast
Books discussed:
You Are So Undead To Me by Stacey Jay
Dead Girl Walking by Linda Joy Singleton
Dead Girl Dancing by Linda Joy Singleton
Alis by Naomi Rich
Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Out of Reach by V. M. Jones
Hero Type by Barry Lyga
Handcuffs by Bethany Griffin
The School for Dangerous Girls by Eliot Schrefer
Ladies and Gentleman, Put Your Hands Together For Jo-Jo and the Fiendish Lot by Andrew Auseon
The Way of the Warrior by Andrew Matthews
Happy Reading1
Monday, March 30, 2009
Teen Late Night
Teen Late Night
Friday, April 3
7:00-11:00 PM
Only 16 spots left!
Open to teens in 6th-12th grade only. Join us for an after-hours evening at the library. Computers, video games, snacks & hanging out with friends. Participants must be on time and stay for the entire evening. All participants must have a permission slip to attend the late night. Slips may be picked up at the youth desk the week before. Only one slip will be given to each teen. Emergency number during the late night: 793-7116.
Monday, March 23, 2009
New Teen Advisory Board President
We will be electing Secretary, Treasurer, and Friends Representative at our next TAB meeting on Monday, April 20 at 6:00 PM.
Permission slips are now available for our next Teen Late Night on Friday, April 3 at 7:00 PM.
Late Nights are open to teens in 6th-12th grade only. Join us for an after-hours evening at the library. Computers, video games, snacks & hanging out with friends. Participants must be on time and stay for the entire evening. All participants must have a permission slip to attend the late night. Slips may be picked up at the youth desk the week before. Only 40 spots available! Only one slip will be given to each teen. Emergency number during the late night: 793-7116.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
February 2009 Bookcast
Here it is, round 2 of the Lester Public Library Teen Bookcast. Click here to listen.
Books talked about this month:
North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley
Shift by Jennifer Bradbury
My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison
Posing As Ashley by Kimberly Joy Peters
Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta
What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell
Alicia Afterimage by Lulu Delacre
Happy Reading!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
January 2009 Bookcast
To listen, simply click on the title of this post. (January 2009 Bookcast)
Each month I will do some quick book talks about brand new teen books at the library. While I know that we are now in February, this first bookcast is actually about books I received in January. (I had a few technical difficulties, but we are now up and running.)
Books talked about this month:
Bliss by Lauren Myracle
Neptune's Children by Bonnie Dobkin
Cycler by Lauren McLaughlin
Bonechiller by Graham McNamee
The Devouring by Simon Holt
Dead is a State of Mind & Dead is the New Black by Marlene Perez
Torn to Pieces by Margot McDonnell
Nothing by Robin Friedman
The Summoning by Kelly Armstrong
The Fetch by Laura Whitcomb
The Devil's Breath by David Gilman
Can You Spell Revolution by Matt Beam
Skinned by Robin Wasserman
Nathan Fox: Dangerous Times by L. Brittney
New Manga/Graphic Novels:
Fairy Tale Vol. 3 by Hiro Mashima
Boys Over Flowers Vol. 1-2 by Hana Yori Dango
The Record of a Fallen Vampire Vol 1-3 by Kyo Shirodaira
Oh My Goddess Vol. 31 by Kosuke Fujishima
Bone Volume 9 by Jeff Smith
World of Warcraft Book 1 by Walter Simonson
To check out these books, stop by the library or visit our online catalog.
Watch for another bookcast later this month with even more titles.
Monday, January 19, 2009
New TAB meets tonight!
Monday, January 19 6:00 PM
Become a part of the Lester Public Library’s new Teen Advisory Board or TAB. New people, new ideas, new meetings. Come to our informational meeting to learn more about the opportunities available. Snacks provided. TAB is open to all teens in 6th-12th grade. If you are interested in becoming a member of TAB but cannot make the meeting call Terry at (920)793-7116. An application & parental permission will be required for all new members.